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Our Products

Some of our bestsellers


Always a big hit with our customers, not to mention a highly recommended staff choice. Try it for yourself and find out why. A samosa is a fried or baked pastry with a savory filling, including ingredients such as spiced potatoes, onions, peas and of course, paneer.

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Malai Barfi

Our Malai Barfi is always in such hot demand that no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to keep them on our shelves for long. Our popular creamy barfi is made with full cream, paneer and condensed milk.


Our Gulabjamun is a constant favorite among our customers. We pride ourselves on only carrying the highest-quality products.

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Angur Rasmalai

Rasmalai is yet another favorite sweet. This Bengali specialty is made with rasgulla (sweetened balls of paneer) soaked in sweetened, thickened milk that has been scented with cardamom and saffron. The result is a creamy, dreamy dessert that absolutely melts in your mouth


Motichoor Ladoo

Motichoor laddo are soft, delish melt in the mouth ladoo made mainly with gram flour, sugar, and spices. The gram flour batter is fried to make tiny balls or boondi and mixed with sugar syrup, nuts or seeds and later shaped to neat round balls.

Kaju Katli

Perfect Kaju Katli is a traditional Indian cashew fudge candy that’s terrifically smooth, thin, and melts in your mouth. This lovely treat is another one of our best sellers.

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& LOADS MORE. We also specialise in snacks, farsaan, Ghee, Dahi etc,
Get in touch with us for queries or bulk orders today!

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Milk Cake

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